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Image : Tobias Günther, SNSF Scientific Image Competitionen plus

Third Global Science Conference on Climate Smart Agriculture

Lieu de l'événement


Climate smart agriculture is a way to achieve short and long term agricultural development priorities in the face of climate change and serve as an integrator to other development priorities.

Ernährung (Symbolbild)
Image : Valery Evlakhov, stock.adobe.com

It seeks to support countries and other actors in securing the necessary policy, technical and financial conditions to enable them to:

- Sustainably increase agricultural productivity and incomes in order to meet national food security and development goals
- Build resilience and the capacity of agricultural and food systems to adapt to climate change;
- Seek opportunities to mitigate emissions of greenhouse gases and increase carbon sequestration.

organized by CIRAD, INRA, IRD, Agropolis, Wageningen UR, CGIAR-CCAFS, University of California Davis, FAO


Langues : Anglais