Il portale web «SCNAT sapere» offre orientamento. L’Accademia svizzera di scienze naturali (SCNAT) e la sua rete raggruppono lo stato delle conoscenze connesse alla Svizzera sulla base di solidi risultati scientifici – a disposizione della politica, dell'amministrazione, dell'economia, della scienza e della pratica.di più

Immagine: Tobias Günther, SNSF Scientific Image Competitiondi più

Making sense of science for policy under conditions of complexity and uncertainty

Ethics bodies and guidelines are needed to shape scientific advice provided to policymakers. The academy consortium SAPEA (Science Advice for Policy by European Academies), which provides scientific input to the European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism, also says in its new report that such advice should be multidisciplinary.

SAPEA Evidence Review Report "Making sense of science for policy"
Immagine: SAPEA

More than ever, policymakers need good quality science advice to inform their decisions. Yet, the very policy issues for which scientific input is most needed are the ones where the science itself is often complex and uncertain, e.g. climate change, environmental pollution, economic crises or the digital transformation of societies. This challenge is also addressed by the new SAPEA report.

Edizione / Volume: SAPEA Evidence Review Report, 6
Dichiarazione Pagina: 182 p.
Numero standard: ISBN 978-3-9820301-3-5 / DOI 10.26356/MASOS


  • Consulenza di politica
  • Interdisciplinarieta


Dr. Roger Pfister
Accademie svizzere delle scienze (a+)
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna
