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Image: ESO, R. Fosburymore

Switzerland's Role in the International Year of Quantum – SQI at the Swiss Quantum Days 2025

The Swiss Quantum Initiative (SQI) is participating in the Swiss Quantum Days in Arosa with three events: an update on the initiative by Nicolas Gisin, President of the Swiss Quantum Commission, a roundtable on "Education and Workforce" and "Private & Public Investments in Quantum" and a panel discussion on "International Collaboration" and "The Societal Impact of Quantum Technologies."

Logo der Swiss Quantum Days
Image: Swiss Quantum Days

In his presentation, Nicolas Gisin, President of the Swiss Quantum Commission (SQC), highlights the SQI's past successes and future activities and challenges.

In the subsequent roundtable, also chaired by Nicolas Gisin, representatives from government, industry, politics, and research will discuss key topics such as talent development and investments in quantum technologies in Switzerland.

The panel discussion, moderated by Marieke Hood (GESDA), will feature Nicole Schaad (SERI), Klaus Ensslin (ETH Zurich), Parisa Fallahi (Basel Precision Instruments GmbH), and Grégoire Ribordy (ID Quantique). Together with the audience, they will explore international collaboration in the field of quantum and the societal impact of quantum technologies.

These two events strengthen the quantum ecosystem in Switzerland and also mark the official launch of the International Year of Quantum in Switzerland. The aim is to foster exchange within the quantum ecosystem and raise awareness that developments in quantum technologies both influence and are influenced by international collaboration, political frameworks, and public discourse.

  • Panel discussion with Nicole Schaad, Klaus Ensslin, Parisa Fallahi, Grégoire Ribordy and Marieke Hood
  • Nicolas Gisin presents the Swiss Quantum Initiative and the Swiss Quantum ecosystem at the Swiss Quantum Days 2025
  • Panel discussion with Nicole Schaad, Klaus Ensslin, Parisa Fallahi, Grégoire Ribordy and Marieke HoodImage: Veit Fritz1/2
  • Nicolas Gisin presents the Swiss Quantum Initiative and the Swiss Quantum ecosystem at the Swiss Quantum Days 2025Image: Veit Fritz2/2



Dr. Andreas Masuhr
Swiss Quantum Initiative (SQI)
House of Academies
PO Box
3001 Bern