Personalised health aims to provide optimal medical care using data collected on a person-specific basis. This web portal provides background information on the topic and highlights possible areas of application and current research.more

Image: LoveIsAFastSong, photocase.demore

Roadmap Space Science in Switzerland 2019

This roadmap document presents an overview of space science in Switzerland as of 2019 and recommendations for its future. It was edited by Nicolas Thomas (Univ. of Bern), president of the Committee on Space Research (CSR) of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT). The full title is "Science and Exploration using Space-Borne Platforms: A Report on Space Science in Switzerland and recommendations for the future".

Space Science Roadmap 2019: A Report on Space Science in Switzerland
Image: CSR

So schlägt die CSR unter anderem vor, das Entwicklungsprogramm für zukünftige Weltraummissionen (Prodex) der Europäischen Weltraumagentur (ESA) weiterhin zu unterstützen und an den wissenschaftlichen Programmen der ESA teilzunehmen.

Pages: 60

