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Image: Sebastian,

National monitoring, reporting and evaluation of climate change adaptation in Europe

EEA Technical report | No 20/2015

Climate change impacts vary across Europe. Some regions are projected to face increasing water stress and drought, while others will experience floods. Different policies and actions therefore need to be put in place to meet adaptation needs and potential impacts specific to each area. To evaluate whether actions are effective and efficient, European countries need to collect and analyse information on adaptation policies in their territories.

National monitoring, reporting and evaluation of climate change adaptation: National monitoring, reporting and evaluation of climate change adaptation in Europe

This report consolidates emerging information on MRE systems at national level in European countries. It looks at the most recent activities from European countries, provides insights into key aspects (e.g. drivers, governance, methodology and information channels) and reflects on current practices as well as on future issues that might be relevant for those working in this area. The report includes national-level case studies.

Overall key messages

  • An increasing number of European countries are now taking action on MRE of adaptation at the national level. So far, 14 countries have systems for monitoring, reporting and/or evaluation of adaptation in place or under development.
  • Across European countries progress on adaptation strategies and plans varies considerably and the same is true for MRE of adaptation.
  • Most countries have focused so far on monitoring and reporting activities. The evaluation of adaptation policies is at an early stage often because the implementation of adaptation has only just begun.
  • Literature on MRE of adaptation highlights that it can serve multiple purposes including improving our understanding of policy effectiveness and efficiency, providing accountability, and enhancing learning in order to improve policy and practice.

Source: EEA (2015): National monitoring, reporting and evaluation of climate change adaptation in Europe. European Environment Agency (EEA). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.


  • Adaptation to climate change