Many scientific disciplines deal with the temporal characteristics of nature. Detailed knowledge of the causes and consequences of the seasons is important in agriculture, weather and climate research, ecology, medicine and tourism. This web portal offers a lot of interesting information on this topic.more

Image: LaMantarraya, stock.adobe.commore

Biodiversity and climate

Conflicts and synergies at the measurement level

Biodiversity and climate are linked in various and complex ways. Biodiversity will change in a changing climate. In addition, other factors, such as factors controlled by human beings, will affect biodiversity. This report is available in German and in French.

Biodiversity and climate

Standard-Nummer: 978-3-907630-31-0

Source: Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz (SCNAT), 2008: Biodiversität und Klima - Konflikte und Synergien im Massnahmenbereich.


German, French