The web portal answers important questions about the Covid-19 vaccines. It puts together the latest information on the effect, functioning, development and approval of the vaccines.

Image: Pixabay

About the portal

This web portal is published and maintained by the Forum for Genetic Research of the Swiss Academy of Sciences in collaboration with a number of experts.

  • Editor: Sandro Käser (Forum for Genetic Research), Franziska Oeschger (Forum for Genetic Research)
  • Review: Ursula Jenal (Jenal & Partners, formerly Forum for Genetic Research), Angela Bearth (ETH Zurich, Forum for Genetic Research) Pascal Meylan (University of Lausanne, SECB) and Oliver Mühlemann (University of Bern, NCCR RNA & Disease)
  • Illustrations: Anne Seeger (
  • Videos/Animations: Andres Jordi (SCNAT)


Forum for Genetic Research
House of Academies
PO Box
3001 Bern