Shared experiences
Many of the methods compiled in our web portal can be used in different contexts, in different ways and partly also in combination with other tools. In this section, authors report on practical experiences they’ve made with these methods. This may be useful for picturing how the methods work.
This section is extended continuously.
Reports on combination of methods
Ten Reflective Steps for Rendering Research Societally Relevant (10step approach in a capacity building setting applying actor constellation, most significant change, three types of knowledge amongst others)
Early Career Scientist Transdisciplinary Workshop
(applying venn diagram, three types of knowledge, toolbox dialogue approach amongst others)
Berichte zu einzelnen Methoden (alphabetisch geordnet)
Actor constallation
- Ziel, Aufgabenstellung und Lerneffekte zur Actor constellation (S. 47, Schritt 4 des Ansatzes in 10 Schritten)
Constellation Analysis
- Experiences with the constellation analysis (CA)
- CA applied for an Integrated Health Surveillance System
Delphi method
Emancipatory Boundary Critique (EBC)
- Emancipatory Boundary Critique Application in the context of the TRUST Project concerning the disposal of high-level radioactive waste (in German)
- Emancipatory Boundary Critique Application along the concrete example of a research on communication of earth quake information (Video)
Most significant change
- Workshop, der die Most significant change technique anwendet
- Ziel, Aufgabenstellung und Lerneffekte zur Most significant change technique (S. 49, Schritt 10 des Ansatzes in 10 Schritten)
Multi-stakeholder discussion group
- Multi-stakeholder discussion group in a field visit setting
- Children as co-researchers in a stakeholder discussion group
Nomadic concepts
Outcome space framework
Rich picture
- Konkrete Beispiele von Rich pictures (integriert in einem Design thinking Prozess)
Soft system methodology
Tell your story be means of an object
Theory of Change (ToC)
- A Theory of Change (ToC) supporting the visioning of a sustainable supply chain
- Developing Theories of Change for supporting transformations in the urban water sector – lessons learned from an inter- and transdisciplinary research program
Three types of knowledge
- Ziel, Aufgabenstellung und Lerneffekte zum Three types of knowledge tool (S. 48, Schritt 7 des Ansatzes in 10 Schritten)