7 things physicists do
Once a year particle physicists meet from all over Switzerland to discuss the latest research results. 2014 the meeting was held at the University of Fribourg. We were there to see and hear what's going on in the world of particle physicists. Did you know that they play proton football?
Idea and realisation: Christine Plass (published 22.10.2014)
- Eine andere Art von Materie
- Berner Grips im Fermilab
- Eine künstlerische Annäherung an die Teilchenphysik
- Warum Physik?
- Extrem unwahrscheinliche Möglichkeiten
- Teamwork@CERN
- Quelle der Inspiration
- Traumberuf Physik
- Freiräume zum Querdenken
- Dem Higgs auf den Fersen
- Am Anfang des Universums
- "Ich war immer sehr neugierig!"