Events, News, Publications
Annual assembly 2024 SGK SSCR in Basel
The Annual Assembly of Swiss Society for Crystallography 2024 will take place in Basel. The meeting will be hold on the 12th of September. A Workshop on P.D.F. will be done prior to the Assembly on the 11th of September. Save the date!
Image: SGKSGK Newsletter 112
Our new newsletter is out. Good read!
Image: sgkBestrahlungsraum, Parlamentssaal, Museum – wohin ein Physikstudium führen kann
Einen Beruf ausüben, der das Leben finanziert, gleichzeitig einen Mehrwert für die Gesellschaft bietet und persönlich erfüllend ist – das ist für viele Gymnasiast:innen und Student:innen die Idealvorstellung. Ein Studium der Mathematik, Astronomie und Physik (MAP) macht genau das möglich. Das zeigt eine Porträtserie der Plattform MAP der Akademie der Naturwissenschaften (SCNAT).
Image: SPGPiles of pile-up data turned to good use
Researcher Steven Schramm and his team from the University of Geneva have found a way to make use of the unloved and unwanted extra-stuff from the collisions of the ATLAS experiment: they turn it into a new dataset with the potential to perform precision tests for the Standard Model of particle physics and probes for potential future collider collisions. A study described in a reference paper shows that it is possible to extract the jet energy resolution from this extra data.
Image: denisismagilov, stock.adobe.comWebsite of the Swiss Physical Society now at SCNAT
The Swiss Physical Society (SpS) has successfully migrated its website to SCNAT. The site now has a new look.
Image: SCNATSymposium of the Microscopy Imaging Center
Each year, the MIC committee decides on a special topic for the MIC Symposium and forms a scientific committee. Experts of the chosen topic are invited as speakers and industry with scientific oriented portfolio is invited, too. The MIC Symposium attracts attendees from all over Switzerland and abroad.
Image: Dimitri Vanhecke