Events, News, Publications
100 Jahre Quantenphysik - warum ist das Themenfeld aktueller denn je?
Die erste «Quantenrevolution» erfolgte Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts. Was passiert heute, rund 100 Jahre nach den bahnbrechenden Erkenntnissen von Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger und vielen anderen? Zeichnet sich nach den revolutionären Durchbrüchen unseres naturwissenschaftlichen Verständnisses aktuell eine «zweite Quantenrevolution» ab? Worum geht es dabei im Kern?
Image: Heidi Hostettler/D-PHYS/ETH-ZürichÀ Ciel ouvert - Voyages au coeur du temps
Nous explorerons lors de Voyages au coeur du temps qui sont proposés sous la forme d’un cours d’automne dans le cadre du programme interdisciplinaire et interfacultaire «À Ciel Ouvert – Science et spiritualité».
Image: Université de GenèveBiomedical Photonics Network Meeting
The field of Biomedical Photonics is currently booming and many new applications are envisioned. To foster this development an interdisciplinary group of researchers, who are active in this field, has decided to found the Biomedical Photonics Network (BMPN) as an interdisciplinary section of the SSOM.
Scientists discover extremely rare particle decay
You may or may not remember that the Swiss particle physics expertise portfolio gained a new entry last year: research with kaons. EPFL assistant professor Radoslav Marchevski had imported his research specialty to the country, trying to look for extremely rare and hard-to-spot kaon decays. Well, we’ve got some news: there has been a discovery!
Image: CERNQuantum Voucher Call 2024: 61 vouchers approved
The Quantum Voucher Call 2024 will support 61 vouchers in the field of quantum technologies, for a total of 3 million francs.
Image: Gerd Altmann from PixabayPiA - Physik im Advent 2024
“PiA - Physics in Advent” is a special kind of Advent calendar: a physics Advent calendar. Young researchers and anyone else who enjoys it can carry out 24 simple experiments and solve physics puzzles.
Image: Uni Goettingen/L.Korrossy 2018