Many scientific disciplines deal with the temporal characteristics of nature. Detailed knowledge of the causes and consequences of the seasons is important in agriculture, weather and climate research, ecology, medicine and tourism. This web portal offers a lot of interesting information on this topic.more

Image: LaMantarraya, stock.adobe.commore

We are the political landscape

Governance in European protected areas

Report on the tutorial held at the EUROPARC Conference 2016

We are the political landscape

Authors: Fmr. Swiss Park Research

Source: Wallner A, Willi Y, Hammer T. 2017. We are the political landscape – Governance in European protected areas. Report on the tutorial held at the EUROPARC Conference 2016. eco.mont Vol9/1, 40-41.


  • Nature parks


Fmr. Swiss Park Research
c/o Dr. Elisa Frank
House of Academies
PO Box
3001 Bern
