Chemistry Roadmap
for Research Infrastructures 2025-2028 by the Swiss Chemistry Community
This community roadmap presents the vision for the future development of chemical sciences in Switzerland. It recommends to set-up or consolidate seven national infrastructures grouped into two pillars of discovery- and challenge-oriented infrastructures, which should foster multinational scientific exchange and collaboration.
The roadmap represents the view of the Swiss scientific community in the field of chemistry and is a formal element of the process to elaborate the Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures 2023. This bottom-up contribution to the identification and selection of important national and international research infrastructures has been coordinated by the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) on a mandate by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).
Edition / Volume: Swiss Academies Reports 16 (3)
Pages: 40
Standard identifier: DOI:
Swiss Academies Reports
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- Auf der Erfolgsspur: RNA-Technologien in der Medizin und der Landwirtschaft
- RNA technologies: mechanisms of action, applications and forms of delivery
- Lighthouse Programmes in Sustainability Research and Innovation
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- Astronomy Roadmap
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- Insektenvielfalt in der Schweiz
- The State of Science Communication in Switzerland
- Biology Roadmap
- Chemistry Roadmap
- Geosciences Roadmap
- Photon Science Roadmap
- CHIPP Roadmap
- Neutron Science Roadmap
- Weissbuch Radiochemie Schweiz
- Priority Themes for Swiss Sustainability Research
- National significance of natural history collections in Switzerland
- A Conflict Sensitive Approach to Field Research – Doing Any Better?
- Misuse potential and biosecurity in life sciences research
- Brennpunkt Klima Schweiz
- Utilization of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge in academic research
- Agreement on Access and Benefit-sharing for Academic Research
- Mit Wissenschaft die Politik erreichen
- MINT-Nachwuchsbarometer Schweiz
- A future for the historic transportation landscape Gotthard
- Nachhaltiger Umgang mit natürlichen Ressourcen
- Water in Switzerland – An Overview
- Kreislaufwirtschaft - Die Bewirtschaftung natürlicher Ressourcen
- Gentechnisch veränderte Nutzpflanzen und ihre Bedeutung für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft in der Schweiz
- Lösungsansätze für die Schweiz im Konfliktfeld erneuerbare Energien und Raumnutzung
- Denk-Schrift Energie
Prof. Dr Christophe Copéret
ETH Zürich
Departement of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (D-CHAB)
HCI H 229
8093 Zürich