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On the road to Turku

The delegation that will represent Switzerland at the European Festival in 2024 has been selected by a jury.

Schweizer Delegation 2024
Image: Thomi Scheuber, 2023

At the national festival held at the Technorama in Winterthur on 18 November 2023, the four best projects were selected to represent Switzerland at the European festival to be held in Turku, Finland, in August 2024.

The four teams and their projects are as follows:

  1. Mallette Machines Simples – Delphine Schumacher & Grégory Chatton,
  2. Die Hefe gibt Gase – Thomas Scheuber & Stephan Burkhard,
  3. Viele verschiedene Strahlen: Warum erwärmt sich unser Klima? – Susanne Brütsch & Manon Siebenhaar
  4. Ötzi – Felix Speerli & Reto Speerli

Congratulations to them and good luck with the festival.

Schweizer Delegation 2024 – Science on Stage Switzerland
Schweizer Delegation 2024 – Science on Stage SwitzerlandImage: Giorgio Häusermann, 2023


  • High School I
  • High School II
  • Primary school