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Image: ESO, R. Fosburymore

Ausgewählte Beiträge zur Abschätzung von Hochwasser und Feststofftransport in der Schweiz – Grundlagen, Methoden, Fallbeispiele.

In this publication some selected examples out of the large amount of measures necessary for integrated flood risk management are presented. Priority has been given to measures for the estimation of floods and sediment transport issues and to activities supported by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment.

Nr. 40  Spreafico, Manfred; Viviroli, Daniel: Ausgewählte Beiträge zur Abschätzung von Hochwasser und Feststofftransport in der Schweiz – Grundlagen, Methoden, Fallbeispiele. 2013. ISBN 978-3-033-03838-7

The Flood Control Act of Switzerland emphasises the requirements that equal safety standards
in all parts of the country should be guaranteed, that the involved population must be integrated
in the planning process of protection measures and that sustainable protection measures
must be planned and implemented. Based on this act the National Platform for Natural
Hazards (PLANAT) has set-up the process of integrated flood risk management cycle including
assessing of hazards and risks, intervention after flood events, recondition, reconstruction,
prevention and preparation.


  • Flood