Personalised health aims to provide optimal medical care using data collected on a person-specific basis. This web portal provides background information on the topic and highlights possible areas of application and current research.more

Image: LoveIsAFastSong, photocase.demore

«Hydrology, Limnology and Hydrogeology»: Call for abstracts

This symposium is part of the 15th Swiss Geoscience Meeting (17th and 18th November 2017 in Davos). The session is open to contributions dealing with hydrology, limnology and hydrogeology at all scales, including contributions demonstrating interdisciplinary approaches. This year particularly welcome are topics dealing with mountain regions and with implications of environmental change.

hydraulic power
Image: C. Ritz

Oral and poster presentations will be scheduled. To ensure attractive oral sessions, the organizers will select a number of applications for oral presentations. Keynote speakers will be invited.


  • Hydrogeology
  • Hydrology, Limnology, Glaciology
  • Limnology