Snow, glaciers and permafrost are of great importance for Switzerland. Their changes are documented by detailed measurements. This web portal shows and explains selected long-term measurement series of the cryosphere.more

Image: NASA Earth Observatory, Jesse Allen and Robert Simmonmore

Science on Stage Schweiz in Wettingen

Science on Stage konnte seine Stage-Broschüren im Rahmen des Life-Science-Symposiums an einem Stand präsentieren.

Stand Science on Stage Switzerland - LSS 2019

Das Life-Science-Symposium des BioValley College Network fand am Samstag, 23. März 2019, an der Kantonsschule Wettingen statt. Science on Stage Schweiz war an der Veranstaltung mit einem Stand anwesend.

  • Stand Science on Stage Switzerland 2 - LSS 2019
  • Stand Science on Stage Switzerland - LSS 2019
  • Stand Science on Stage Switzerland 2 - LSS 20191/2
  • Stand Science on Stage Switzerland - LSS 20192/2


  • High School II