COSPAR report 2020-2022: Space Research in Switzerland
The present report is a compilation of the projects that have been conducted in Swiss research institutes in the field of space research over the period 2020 - 2021. The 44th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) in Athens this summer is the occasion for the delegations to advertise their activities in this domain sciences.
Source: S. Paltani, S. Nyeki (2022) Space Research in Switzerland 2020 - 2022 Swiss Academies Communication 17 (7)
COSPAR reports
- COSPAR report 2022-2024: Space Research in Switzerland
- COSPAR report 2020-2022: Space Research in Switzerland
- COSPAR report 2018-2020: Space Research in Switzerland
- COSPAR Report 2016-2018: Space Research in Switzerland
- COSPAR Report 2014-2016: Space Research in Switzerland
- COSPAR report 2012 - 2014: Space Research in Switzerland
Swiss Academies Communications
- Konzept Nationales Forschungsprogramm Klima 2024 plus
- COSPAR report 2022-2024: Space Research in Switzerland
- Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien biodiversitäts- und landschaftsverträglich planen
- Neue Züchtungstechnologien: Anwendungsbeispiele aus der Pflanzenforschung
- MINT Schweiz Digitale Transformation
- MINT Schweiz
- Science Advice Network
- COSPAR report 2020-2022: Space Research in Switzerland
- Climate effect and CO2 equivalent emissions of short-lived substances
- Trendwende Klima und Biodiversität
- Transdisciplinary research partnerships with business and civil society in the North-South context
- Covid-19 – Science and Society
- The impact of emissions from aviation on the climate
- Handbook on natural history collections management
- A Short History of the KFPE 1994–2019
- Forschung für gesellschaftliche Innovationen an Fachhochschulen
- COSPAR report 2018-2020: Space Research in Switzerland
- Kleiner Staat, grosse Unternehmen: Die Schweiz in der Ordnung der Globalisierung
- Guidelines to Conflict Sensitive Research
- Instrumente für eine wirksame und effiziente Klima- und Energiepolitik
- Large Astronomical Facilities: Their Fundamental Importance for Swiss Astronomers
- Ausserschulische MINT-Angebote in der Schweiz
- Forschung stärkt Vernetzung der Schweizer Pärke
- Weighing of interests for proposed animal experiments
- Abschlussbericht Sustainable Development at Universities Programme
- Gesundheitliche Aspekte der Schweizerischen Energiestrategie 2050
- From Little Science to Big Science
- Einschätzung der Karrieresituation von Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen in der Schweiz