Animal experimentation: are we allowed to do that? In this thematic portal, researchers of the Swiss Laboratory Animal Science Association give answers to frequently asked questions.

Image: kwanchaift,

Regenerative agriculture in Europe: A critical analysis of contributions to European Union Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies

Regenerative agriculture holds promising keys to reducing climate risks while providing the growing world population with food and enhancing biodiversity. Such the conclusions of a new report with first-time scientific analysis by European science academies.

EASAC Policy Report "Regenerative agriculture in Europe"
Image: EASAC

Regenerative agriculture has the potential to restore biodiversity in soils and thus increase their capacity to take CO2 out of the atmosphere and tie it back into the soil. This is important because agriculture is the main driver of global deforestation and land conversion, and food systems account for more than a third of global greenhouse gas emissions. The scientific report emphasises that regenerative agriculture does not contradict the use of modern plant and animal breeding technology, tilling, use of mineral fertilizer or pesticides. Instead, it aims for a limited, more targeted use, as well as the use of biological alternatives, employing gene-edited crops that are pathogen-resistant, or even the introduction of predators.

Pascal Boivin (HES-SO Geneva) contributed to this report on behalf of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences and Christian Schöb (ETH Zurich) was one of the reviewers.

Edition / Volume: EASAC Policy Report, 44
Pages: 58 p.
Standard identifier: ISBN 978-3-8047-4372-4

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  • Europe


Dr. Roger Pfister
Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences (a+)
House of Academies
PO Box
3001 Bern
