The “SCNAT knowledge” web portal provides guidance. The Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) and its network report the state of knowledge, based on sound scientific findings and in regards to Switzerland – for the attention of politics, administration, business, science and practice.more

Image: Tobias Günther, SNSF Scientific Image Competitionmore

Interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food and health (IPBES nexus assessment)

Ecological, social and economic crises - such as biodiversity loss, water and food insecurity, health risks and climate change - are all interlinked. They interact, cascade and reinforce each other in ways that make separate efforts to address them ineffective and counterproductive. This IPBES report provides decision-makers around the world with a scientific assessment of these complex relationships and examines 70 specific options for action to maximize co-benefits across the five “nexus elements”: Biodiversity, Water, Food, Health and Climate Change.

Englisches Titelblatt der Zusammenfassung für die pol. Entscheidungsfindung des Nexus Berichts.
Image: IPBES


  • Publisher


  • Dr Dorothea Hug Peter
    Swiss Biodiversity Forum
    House of Academies
    PO Box
    3001 Bern

  • Dr. Eva Spehn
    Swiss Biodiversity Forum
    House of Academies
    PO Box
    3001 Bern
