File Climate
This file provided by ProClim offers an overview of the state of knowledge in the fields of climate and global change. It is aimed at the scientific community, decision-makers, multipliers and the interested public.
State of knowledge
ProClim − Forum for Climate and Global Change (ProClim)
House of Academies
PO Box
3001 Bern

Global wärmster Januar seit Messbeginn
Im weltweiten Mittel wurde der wärmste Januar im Copernicus-Datensatz ab 1979 verzeichnet. Die globale Durchschnittstemperatur lag 0,79 °C über dem Durchschnitt 1991−2020 und 1,75 °C über dem vorindustriellen Durchschnitt 1850−1900. Für Europa meldete Copernicus den zweitwärmsten Januar im Datensatz ab 1979.
Image: CopernicusChecking in with… Géraldine Pflieger
Last November, the 29th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29) took place in Baku, Azerbaijan. Amongst the official Swiss delegation was Géraldine Pflieger, representing the scientific perspective. She is a is a professor of urban and environmental policy at the University of Geneva. After the conference, we were able to have a talk with Professor Pflieger and get a scientific evaluation of what was – or was not – decided at COP29.
Image: Andres Jordi, SCNAT
Register now for the 25th Swiss Global Change Day
Look beyond the horizon of climate and global change research and register now for the 25th Swiss Global Change Day on 9 April 2025. In addition to expert talks, we will provide you plenty of time to present your own research or organisation with a poster or at a stand and to network with colleagues. The most attractive and comprehensive posters submitted by students or postdocs will be honoured with a travel award of 1000 francs.