File Climate
This file provided by ProClim offers an overview of the state of knowledge in the fields of climate and global change. It is aimed at the scientific community, decision-makers, multipliers and the interested public.
State of knowledge
ProClim − Forum for Climate and Global Change (ProClim)
House of Academies
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3001 Bern
Antarctica: Historic Drilling Campaign Reaches more than 1.2-Million-Year-Old Ice
The fourth Antarctic campaign of the “Beyond EPICA - Oldest Ice” project, funded by the European Commission, has achieved a historic milestone for climate science. An international team of scientists with participation of the University of Bern successfully drilled a 2,800-meter-long and over 1.2 million years old ice core, reaching the bedrock beneath the Antarctic ice sheet.
Image: OeschgerSachbearbeiter:in Administration 50–70%
Für das Forum Landschaft, Alpen, Pärke, das Forum für Klima und globalen Wandel, die Forschungskommission des Schweizerischen Nationalparks und die Initiative für Nachhaltigkeitsforschung suchen wir ab sofort oder nach Vereinbarung eine Sachbearbeiterin oder einen Sachbearbeiter.
Image: SCNATRIMMA2025 - International Conference on Forecasting, Preparedness, Warning, and Response
This conference aims at bringing together several disciplines and expertise ranging from meteorological services, warning services, scientists, disaster and risk managers, and intervention forces to cartography, geo-visualization, Gl-systems, visualization, and communication experts.
Image: Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR)