Starting with the origin of Switzerland's abundant water resources, the high amount of precipitation in the Alps, the web portal explains relevant hydrological, water management, social and environmental aspects of water.more

Image: thomasfuer, photocase.demore

Runoff in rivers

Geography of inflows (shares listed by country) and outflows (Swiss portion of the total) of Switzerland.
Geography of inflows (shares listed by country) and outflows (Swiss portion of the total) of Switzerland.
Gauging station Liène-Tzeuzier (Switzerland)
Image: Bruno Schädler

Die Abflüsse in Bächen und Flüssen werden in einem umfangreichen Messnetz gemessen

Gauging station Loquesse-Tseuzier (Switzerland)
Image: Bruno Schädler

Events, News, Publications


Biomonitoring der PCB-Belastung am Spöl im Schweizerischen Nationalpark

Im Jahr 2016 gelangten bei Wartungsarbeiten an der Staumauer Punt dal Gall PCB-haltige Partikel in den Restwasserfluss Spöl im Schweizerischen Nationalpark. Aktuelle Analysen einer Pilotstudie an Wasseramsel-Eiern zeigen PCB-Konzentrationen, welche

Image: SNP, Hans Lozza